Favorite Christian Marriage Books

11 Incredible Christian Marriage Books

Many have asked, so here it is! 11 of my favorite Christian Marriage Book Recommendations!

If you haven’t already, check out the first part of the series: Best Christian Relationship Best Christian Relationship Books for Singles


I included this read in the Best Christian Relationship Books for Single Women as well. This book doesn’t just speak to dating and marriage, but it’s an incredible read about relational connection, how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries, how to address difficult situations with love, honor and respect and will enhance your communication capabilities so that you have better, stronger relationships with everyone in your world!

I’ve recommended this book to countless women. And all that have purchased it have come back and reported it helped them understand their identity in profound ways. This book has helped me understand the beauty behind God’s divine design, our strengths and desires as women and even our hangups and issues that were initiated in the Garden of Eden. I recommend this book to both men and women to gain a greater insight and understanding about the feminine heart of a woman.

Wild at Heart is like the Y chromosome to the X of Captivating. After you’ve embraced a greater level of revelation and understanding about how God made you, it’s time you journey through the intrinsic motivations of a man, what makes him tick, how God wired him, how you can partner with God to be the suitable helpmeet you were designed to be. This is NOT a secular manual or generalization about men…this is simplistically simple and a MUST read for BOTH men and women!

Asking for your marriage to flourish without God is like asking a tree to blossom without sunshine and water.
— Love & War (Page 18)
Whatever else our life’s great mission will entail, loving and defending this heart next to you is part of your great quest.
— Love & War (Page 37)
As a man, Adam was endowed with the image of God primarily in his strength - a strength given to him for the benefit of others. It’s not about big muscles, but about inner strength. Notice that when men fail, they tend to fail in one of two ways - either they become passive and silent, or they become domineering and violent. They either don’t offer their strength or they wield it in harmful ways.
— Love & War (Page 48)
As a woman, God endowed Eve with beauty - an inner beauty often expressed as tenderness and vulnerability. Notice that when women fail they tend to either become controlling or desperately needy.
— Love & War (Page 48)

This book is one that I have read and re-read a number of times. It’s brilliant. It helps break down common communication barriers known as “the crazy cycle” and navigate through how to effectively communicate your needs while also seeking to understand the needs of your spouse. It’s an easy read that will help you have many “AH-HA” moments and practically apply what you’re learning to strengthen your communication.

This book was recommended to me many years ago and I just recently re-read it. It’s GOOOOOD! It’s a very conversational read that shares many stories of women that called into Dr. Laura’s radio show. It will help you understand your man in really incredible ways!

The Story of Marriage
By John Bevere, Lisa Bevere
Buy on Amazon

This interactive, devotional book by John & Lisa Bevere helps you align with the beautiful covenant gift of marriage. Whether you’re single, married, or engaged, this book will assist you in mapping out your dream marriage according to God’s divine design.

This book was gifted to me as a birthday present from one of my dearest InsaFRIENDS, Samantha. It’s been such a blessing to me!

In essence, The New Eve sets forth and expounds upon five “Bold Moves” for today’s discerning woman: Live from the Inside Out; Adopt a Biblical Definition of Womanhood; Embrace a Big-Picture Perspective on Life; Live with the End in Mind; Use Wisdom with a Man.

Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that your spouse is there to help you realize your potential; that marriage does not mean forever, but merely for now; and that starting over after a divorce is the best solution to seemingly intractable marriage issues. But these modern-day assumptions are wrong. Timothy Keller, with insights from Kathy, his wife of thirty-seven years, shows marriage to be a glorious relationship that is also misunderstood and mysterious. The Meaning of Marriage offers instruction on how to have a successful marriage, and is essential reading for anyone who wants to know God and love more deeply in this life.

I caught an episode of Oprah with Dr. Robin Smith many years ago and went straight to Barnes and Noble. (LIterally it was so long ago, it was before Amazon existed if you can imagine!) I’ve referred to this book on countless occasions over the years. It’s great to read BEFORE you say “I do” and it’s also great afterward too!


What are your favorite marriage books?